Senin, 15 Oktober 2012

Rhetoric States 6th Birthday Party

The first gigs we were in! Rhetoric States 6th birthday party!

DJOGJA Management, Present:

The 6th Years Anniversary
"Terus Melawan Dan Tak Akan Pernah Menyerah!!"
With these horrible badasses:
- Fight Alone Today
- Moonriver
- Grey Grace
- Lowsing End
- Inspire Bridge
- Spirit Morning
- Independent Block
- Speak Fast
- Boover Holes

Special acoustic performance : Galang Bagenda Esis
MC: Nico Martino

Ticket: Rp. 10.000,- (free CD)

DR Cafe:
Jl. Raya PLP Curug No. 25 - Curug - Tangerang, Indonesia.

Facebook event link: #TERKAM6th
  [RSVP EVENT] (invite your friends!)

For further information feel free to text RxS:
Galang +62.812-1991.80.90